Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
C & C 3 was next Stalker THE big waiting game of the year. And since I had fun playing the demo, I like waiting for: the return of Kane, the renewed struggle against GDI NOD and of course tons of video scenes, a real spectacle as a playable movie. Well, now I'm through with it ... so what of by that I do not know if I want to do this to me again. But I getting ahead of the events. In the beginning, everything is still great.
As usual, I start the demo on the part of my struggle against GDI upper bald Kane. Before it goes in the first battle, distracted C & C 3 my fears that the German version was once again, thrown. Finally, I'm damaged Battle for Middle Earth 2 . But wonder of wonders, the synchronization is not only linguistically very good, it was also committed to excellent speakers. In this case, Electronic Arts made sure that the voices are the same as those in this country have known performer usual. Above all Starship Troopers veteran Michael Ironside. But Dr. -House-Doctor Teen Jennifer Morisson, which keeps emissions within the contact between players and the base sounds exactly known just as in the series. Only Lando Calrissian ... er Billy Dee Williams sounds completely different than in Episode 5 and 6 But the EA was forgiven generous, who can remember the voice even more?
yesterday they were still of "Dr. House "can be insulting, even today they issued commands in the GDI: Jennifer Morisson accompany you through the first campaign.
how to collect Dunes times
And then you go even into the first fight. Playful, we knew already from the demo, is oriented C & C 3 less parlous state of the G eneral than the standard classics in their own, once the glory the number justified. Say, buildings are built on an oversized panel on the right screen you and then placed near the base. The raw material is of course again Tiberium that is naturally degraded by strunz stupid collectors. As in the first part of the things boarded without supervision purely in the enemy base, where they suspect there Tiberium stocks. Since Dune 2, the genre-founding father, the AI has not changed. This is also try for infantrymen, who, once they are fired upon, throw to the ground and slowly davonzurobben. Of course they can not do and the boys are easier to eliminate instead a goal. All these quirks knows you their predecessors, they are not really bad. For the past 15 years certainly everyone has found their own ways, as will be done.
The landscape is a little too simple. But make the bold explosions and the hissing beams offset loose.
addition to the weaknesses of the developers have also incorporated all the strengths of the series. Say: You build a very comfortable within minutes fat, which you send in a visually considerable carnage. Flashes everywhere and it lases, improved Battle for Middle-earth engine may well be somewhat desolate landscape. In terms of Gegnerschnetzeln full effect, it is still top notch. Only the Scrin außeridischen I find ugly cave, bah, ugh, no, I like to play not really. However, one has to GDI sites are fast easy game once you get developed the mammoth tanks together with railgun. Generally, the same tactic always leads to victory. In the beginning it curls itself into the base, secures it with a few laser towers, and then rest in a mammoth army building, which is next to nothing in your way. It becomes difficult only in missions where there are artificial constraints, you can not build tanks or annoy other limitations. Most particularly nasty is the now infamous base defense mission, the relatively early stage of the GDI campaign takes place. You have to keep their own stock for a few minutes, then remove and clean a convoy including three opponents bases from the map. I did not think I can rattle down all the curses I knew within ten minutes without Luftzuholen. This is extremely dependent much on luck and how many units you lose in the first few minutes. Only those stores often has a chance and more than once I had to use this frustration completely from scratch begin again. And even after I had slowed down to the easiest difficulty. After these missions was finally solved, I had a complete day rest for now.
Only luck to success
Unfortunately, this design blunder is by far not the only one. terrible, especially in the NOD campaign and in two of the four missions on the part of some alien nerve inserts. We must in the penultimate NOD mission not only take several yards, but must also be certain that none of the same active opponent parties cancel each other. Stupid only that one fact has little influence. Again, more luck than skill. My blood pressure has for this battle is still not fully normalized.
Rummy: With the nuclear missile, which is called in the German standard version Aurora bomb, you can ensure proper collateral damage.
After all, the video clips are a good reason to continue playing in the most annoying battles. At least in the context of the GDI campaign. Because here's all sorts, it cracks and hisses explode things and create the superior team Ironside and Morisson it again and again to motivate the players. It is actually almost like in a command post in the field. This can significantly after the NOD campaign. Although it appears Lost star Josh Holloway on (by the way even with proper dubbing voice) that does a good job. But all the other scenes deteriorated gradually more and more to the static chamber piece. Kane swings lengthy speeches, and when the colorless Tricia Helfer acting as his deputy comes fast on the big yawn. The rest is just red colored total boredom. Still lame, only the Scrin, find out a few as abstract as inconsequential mission briefings happened only a little. And the conclusion ( WARNING, HERE COMES A well-calculated SPOILER!) is a total disappointment. Nothing is resolved, you almost see the sign: "Ätschbätsch, continued. Buys you the Mission DVD "flash across the screen.
Okay, now I have a lot of bitched, simply because there is much to complain about. C & C 3 naturally has its strengths. Many of the 30 missions are neat, even if you always win with the same tactics. And especially in the GDI campaign, the content of the video scenes works very well with the inserts. If it ignites its first atomic bomb (called the normal German version Aurora bomb) is quite fun to diabolical. In addition, the objectives change frequently, and always use the designer, the missions to advance the story. Goofy just that you get extra for completed goals only useless order. Here one could have come up with something quiet special. Despite the strengths But the quirks are too serious to allow C & C 3 access point in the genre. Especially towards the end I was angry too often on lousy missions and boring cutscenes. I hope just that the Mission DVD, which will be guaranteed (I guess times to fall), is designed better. Because of course I will therefore move back into battle. Finally, it's C & C, had a chance to make good the creators of EA Los Angeles therefore granted.