The caravan - Chapter 13 The flight
Bathed in sweat I woke up because the nipple stimulation was reinstated. It really was unbearably hot and I was sweating heavily. Also, I was thirsty. I tried to achieve in the beak of the mask, which I managed it. Refreshing the cool liquid trickled down his throat. I drank a lot, because I was very thirsty and very much fluid is lost. They had provided me to drink an isotonic drink, knowing that I would lose quite a lot of minerals.
Stimulation made me awake but totally cool again. The wool scratched on the skin, which must have been quite softened. My penis swelled up again. Suddenly
was sucked back and mopped. "No, not again!" It went through me. They had re-attached the Venus2000 while I slept. The masturbator was switched to a fairly high level and quickly worked my tail constantly. Soon I was so far that I cum again. But that was not enough, because the machine worked on and on. Hurt me everything and I groaned in pain. But the machine has not been kind and sucked on and on. The nipples were still massaged and stimulated. I was sweating even more now. My excitement rose to fever pitch. It was not long before I came again to an orgasm. It hurt even more. I screamed in pain now, for milking, the friction on the glans hurt a lot.
Someone seemed to have mercy on me, because the machine has completed the work. The nipple stimulation ended.
I heard a noise and noticed that someone is tampering with me. First, the head was partially released from the wool. The Balaclava was drawn slightly upward. A cup was put to my lips. I felt fluid and automatically opened my mouth. The liquid was poured into my mouth. I hastily gulped down everything. I felt the wool strips were rolled off my body. I was a little crazy in the head and had an unbearable fatigue me included. What may well have been in the drink, it drove me through the head as the last.
I awoke with a headache. I was cold. I realized that I was still in the basement dungeon. I lay naked on the bed. When I sat up the chain rattled softly. I touched my neck and noticed that they had me re-tightened the collar.
I mused, what time, what day might be like. I had no idea how long I had been mummified, how long I slept, and above all, how long I was out, as someone had freed me from the mummification. The drink will probably contain a very strong sleeping pills. I mumbled still going.
was Unexpectedly down the stairs behind. The trap door was opened.
eagerly I was waiting, who would come. But no one came. After about five minutes, I broke my collar - the key was still under the bed, as I found out, fortunately - and headed for the stairs. Cautiously, I walked up and peered through the hatch. There was no one to see. Was this a trap?
I listened hard, if I could hear anyone. Nothing, except the normal sounds of the day I heard nothing. On a chair, I saw my shorts and my T-shirt. I quickly walked over, grabbed the stuff and scurried to the door. She left open without problems. I carefully looked out. Left, right, looking, I checked in all directions. Not a soul was near.
I slipped into my T-shirt and shorts, went back to the trap door and locked it. Then I left the porch and hurried over to my trailer. I quickly had opened the zipper to the extent that I could slip inside him and then closed again. I had heart palpitations and pulse pounding very fast. I was quite nervous. , Free at last! " I rejoiced inwardly. Was it a week!
I sat on a chair in the vestibule and left me the last couple of days at maximum speed to go through your head. The day when I arrived and was full of anticipation to indulge my fetish and how much of it developed. The discovery by Claudia, ordered by their self-restraint, the horny fuck with Andrea, then Claudia and the hammer moderate experience with Andrew and Conny.
Conny! I felt a warm feeling when I had to think about them. The hot hours in the twin suit and hot love games before. We were pretty close to come, when we were Tightly entwined for so long in the dungeon together. We were able to exchange our thoughts and had much talk with each other. I liked her very much. She looked great, too. Blue eyes, dark brown, full, and over the shoulders reaching hair, full lips, beautiful, dazzling white teeth. Her figure was perfect. You Model had mass. Only her breasts were a model for probably a little too large, which annoyed me but not in the least.
I chased the thoughts of her and wondered, how should it go now. Outside the sun was shining. Judging from the sun after it had to be morning. I turned on the TV to determine how late it was. It was half past eight Clock on Monday! , My goodness! " it shot through me. I had slept all day Sunday and almost a week had I been a prisoner '. How would probably go next?
I looked out the various windows in the awning. Not a soul was nowhere to be seen. I decided to shower me and what to eat afterwards because I had a murder hunger. I opened the trailer door, entered and locked it right this time.
Everything was as I had left it. I went back and opened the connecting door.
I was shocked, because Connie was sitting on the bed. "Finally," she cried and got up and came towards me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise.
"quiet," she whispered to me and gave me the index finger of her right hand on the mouth. "We have to be quiet, or someone hears us."
"May we hear, no?" I asked in surprise.
you saw me anxiously and said, "No, no. Mum did not know that you are fleeing. She wanted to keep you forever, down there in the dungeon. "
" That I can not believe, "I replied.
"But I've heard how they talked to Erika about it. She said that such a sex slave could be really useful. They also said that you'd miss no one, since you now own again mayest. Erika was quite excited about it and said that she would join in and be silent when Mum would participate in it ... "
the words just bubbled out Sun Your breasts wiggled excitedly. I looked at it closely. You wore a red light and coarse mesh knitted mohair sweater with a collar and a white minijupe of fine angora. The hair she wore open. She was discreetly made up and had mascara on the lashes. They just looked a Pizza Place. I already imagined how I would like to eat up on the bed.
"... so that we should disappear now," I took her words to the mental trip back true.
"Where are you going to disappear and why? I would still spend some nice holidays, "I replied.
"Have not you been listening?" She rebelled. "Come, sit down. "She pushed me onto the bed and sat next to me. With her big blue eyes she looked at me and continued: "Mum was serious and would probably bring everything to get you again. She went home to do different things and to lead to anything in the way so they can better keep up still under control. We have to hurry out of their reach and we have to watch quickly that none of it gets with Erika. "She put her arms around my neck and said:" I would not want you to disappear forever into oblivion. That's why I've also released today morning. I could not, however, come down, otherwise I would have been covered by the video camera. Do you understand? "
I had to smile at their candid views. She was so sweet, as she sat there and looked at me. The fine wool tingling all over my neck lightly. I gave her a quick kiss and asked, "Where's Andrew? Did they also do with this 'conspiracy' in the hat "-" You must not say the word conspiracy as cynical, "she pouted and went on:" Mum is really serious! - Andrea had to go to work yesterday evening. You got nothing to do with it. - Do you miss them, "she asked with a slight undertone.
"No," I said truthfully. "I like it very good, But I like you better. Also, I know you a little better than them. But I have also wondered if she had since done with. "
" You're sweet, "she said, pulled me and kissed me passionately.
She pressed down on the bed and lay half on me. With his right hand, she went under my shirt and then in the shorts and stroked my penis, which began already up again.
"pull up from," she whispered. She needed me to say twice. While I was putting on me and pulled the shirt over his head, had brought Connie and I pulled down my shorts. With both hands she grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me onto the bed, which was still covered with Claudia's mohair blanket. The wool tingled slightly at the back and buttocks.
She lay on me and kissed me passionately. It was wonderful to feel her body. They smelled wonderful. The wool on my skin tingled slightly and made me even hornier. She slipped later and handed me her beautiful big breasts in the face. I took a deep breath and sucked her scent and the wool a deep breath. It was just fantastic. She sat on me and raised her sweater. She had a tight red bra made of wool. The breasts seemed to almost jump out, so narrow and small was the bra or the size of her breasts were.
"Well, you want them? "she asked seductively, without waiting for my answer she pressed on me, so my face was pressed right in the pit. She pulled the sweater over my head and jammed up with me. She had lain down on me and pushed me down on the bed. With a quick movement, I turned it on its back and lay down on it. I wanted to free myself from the breasts and put me on it now, but she had something about it. Quickly she had crossed her legs behind me and held me. With her arms she clutched my head and pushed me even more between her breasts.
My penis was swollen rock hard. I got almost no air, but I enjoyed it to be in that embrace. Connie took her arms and legs and said, "Take me. I'm yours. "
I pushed her sweater up and down her bra, so I got her breasts and nipples free. I caught it all over my body to stroke in and kissed her breasts and sucked her nipples. She let me and moaned softly to. With my tongue I went further and further down the abdomen. I put my face in her lap and sniffed the air. The Angorajupe smelled wonderful for wool. Through the wool I kissed her pussy as I rubbed it with a closed mouth and stroked. It was cool the fine wool in the face to feel, to smell the wool and the pussy and noted that the wool was still wet. I pushed up the skirt. She had no panties on. Her beautiful pussy was open before me. I pushed her legs apart slightly and drove around with his tongue next to the labia. I crawled a little deeper and put her legs over her shoulders. Now I could better reach their gender. The tongue I licked from the bottom of the dam her very gently and lightly on their lips up to the clitoris. She moaned with pleasure. I circled his tongue around her clitoris, she picked up and sucked them gently. I massaged it with her tongue faster and faster and tougher. Soon I noticed that she squeezed her thighs together and moaned louder. She controlled herself, not be too loud. I sucked a little more violent, my intonation was always faster, until it was shaken by her first orgasm. She pressed her legs together so tightly that I was pressed even more against her pussy and got almost no air. When she left a little loose, I pushed myself up and brought my hard cock into the wet and prepare a vagina.
She played immediately with the muscles and sucked my penis into it properly as possible. I lay completely on her and we kissed as we fucked us. Just as we did in a double-catsuit.
It was not long until we both almost simultaneously came to orgasm. When I cum, and Connie the hot sperm in themselves felt she came to her second orgasm. Happy
kissed and caressed us for a while. Finally
admonished me: "We should be slow on the way before Mum's back."
"But where do we want?" I asked her, getting up from bed.
"We can drive to me. Mum has always felt like I was in our house in order ... "-"? Our apartment, "I interrupted. "I'm still not in the lion's den."
"No, no," she laughed. "With our flat Andrew and my apartment is meant. We work and live together. This is practical and still cheap. We have a 5 room apartment together. You'll love it. - I should have washed clean and that I wanted to say "
" Ok, then we go to you.. I pack only up a few things, then ... "-" Take all the best with what you need, especially your woolens. I do not think you come here again in the near future ... and we want to do but still have a little fun with it, "she interrupted me and winked at me. I had to laugh.
"I'm going over too quickly and get a few things from the cellar, we could use. Be right back, "she cried over his shoulder and she was gone from the trailer.
I packed my things, which I had brought together and stuffed my woolen clothes in a suitcase. The blanket and the fitted bottom sheet, I packed with a.
When I was finished after about a quarter of an hour, Connie came back.
"It's all ok. No one has yet noticed your disappearance of something, "she smiled at me. "Erika is in the car away and I was on the phone with mom. She said that she was still a couple of hours away. They meet up with Erika. They had to do something, "Connor told cheerfully straight on.
"Claudia Weiss for not want you to know that they keep me will? "I asked.
"No, certainly not. I have heard their conversation by chance when I came back because I had forgotten something. "
She said that she was already on his way home when she realized she had forgotten a book, which she wanted to read. Since she was not far away, she decided to turn around and get it.
you parked outside the camp and climbed over the fence. So they could shorten the way massively. She came from behind ran to the trailer. Then she heard Erika said. "That was so cool that we must repeat" - "you also believe that we are the types of hot need to keep? "asked Claudia. "But yes," said Erika, "we may again only let go when we have no desire. He's still a week off. As long as you should have him down there to hold "
" A week, a month, a year, "laughed Claudia. "The missing but no. He is alone. Maximum in the work place they will miss him. - You know what, Erika? We simply keep forever. But the girls can not hear of it. "
" You think so? "Asked doubtfully Erika. But after a short reflection, she was hooked on the idea. "We share the maintenance costs," she suggested. "You, Claudia, provide the premises, have also the most risk and I'll be there for the tasting and what else you may need in charge. We will have to knit a few things that we have even more variety. For this we need some more equipment and otherwise even the technical bells and whistles to the whole thing a little to the extreme. "At these words, rubbing his hands with anticipation Erika.
"We must leave his car and the tracks disappear of its existence," Claudia suggested. "We do not have the time, his vacation is not over yet, so no one will miss him beforehand and ask ridiculous questions . Come -
This will be a jamboree, "exulted Erika.
Connie said not to believe their ears. What did Mum do? Tom wanted to let you locked up. This may not be true, right? She crept closer to the stem approach, from which the voices of two women they had heard.
"Do we want the same down to him to tell him that?" Erika asked cheerfully. "I would like to see his face when he learns that he is our slave."
"No, that is not now and also I want to teach him the very slowly. This will in fact be not as easy as it will resist. I have to do a few things and make preparations so that the will all work out. As long as he thinks we should let him free again, at the latest when his vacation is over, he eats out of our hands, "said Claudia.
"You're right," said Erika agreement. "But why can not it down? It itches me again in my pussy and I love hard large cocks. "
" As you know, I had to do all day today. Yesterday we mummified him and hung on the Venus2000. I let him pretty much milking, he screamed in pain as he squirts the umpteenth time, "said Claudia, laughing.
"So what?" Erika went in between. "Interrupt I'm still not ready, not me!"
, Claudia said gruffly. "I had to free him from Röhnrad. He could not be there forever and be packed so warm. Then I went down and had freed him. " - "You alone?" - "Yes, but I broke his balaclava and inspired him with knockout drops in with a strong sedative. He was out pretty quickly. I removed the foil and then dragged him onto the bed. There he lies and sleeps still. - Will you see him? "-" Yeah sure, "said Erika.
Connie heard the two women got up and big box went. Claudia opened it and turned on the monitor. In addition to the monitor was, mixer 'from which they could be controlled from the different cameras.
Tom was naked and sleeping peacefully on the bed. The chain was hanging down from the trolley.
"sweet as he is so there," Erika languished. "Too bad he's sleeping." - "He is still determined by tomorrow morning," said Claudia. "There is unfortunately nothing to do."
"So, now I have to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a tough day. I will soon go away and return only towards the early afternoon, rather only to be back in the evening, "yawned Claudia.
"Then I go home," said Erika. "I will certainly sleep well tonight and have sweet dreams safely. Sleep well. "-" Yes, thanks, you too, "replied Claudia," I'll call you tomorrow morning. Good night. "
Connie slipped quickly away from the trailer in the darkness. She saw the light also fell from the porch door and then the shadows, as Erika went out.
Those were outrageous things that begins to take shape there. She wondered what to do and decided to rescue Tom. She climbed over the fence and walked to her car. She drove home and I was there they should call Mum. They also wanted to quietly designing a plan, so that nothing went wrong and nobody noticed that she was the one that Tom had rescued.
"So it has happened to her," she concluded her story. "Come," she urged now, "we have to go now, as long as the air is still clean."
"Yes, but I must first eat something, I come otherwise of hunger," I replied.
"You can get with me to eat. We have to go long and I do not think you can stand it as long as "she smiled at me.
Connie grabbed one of the luggage which I had prepared and went through the caravan door after outside.
I packed a suitcase and another bag and followed her. I threw back a scrutinizing glance. Everything was cleaned up properly, as I liked it.
I shut the car off and put the key in the bag. Connie was already out of the tent and ran to the left, her mother away from the trailer. I closed the tent and followed her quickly. Arriving at the fence Conny
threw the bag over and climbed up. She waited on me and helped me up the suitcase and the bag over heave. She jumped down the other side and I followed her.
everything packed in the trunk of her bright red Jaguar XJS convertible.
"Wow! What a car! Is this yours? " I asked in surprise.
"Yep," she beamed and made. "This is my. - Come on, get in, we should hurry up "
I sat in the passenger seat.. Connie started the engine. The twelve-cylinder engine purred like a cat.
"It is better if you put yourself back in the back seat so no one sees you in the car," said Connie look at me, pointing with his head back. "Can you be met with the blanket."
I saw that she was right and munched me back. I lay down and pulled the blanket over me.
That was the last time I stayed in the camp and in my trailer am.
The story takes place, if desired, a sequel. Just write a comment. Thank you.
© by Saxula