obliquely Scary: The Joker and his rabble now her mischief in prison.
eye for an eye
As all this were not bad enough, I need to find out that my bat does not carry firearms with them. I therefore come before me a little naked and helpless, as the first opponent to rush for me. But a timid press the left mouse button to disappear any perplexity. With a targeted punch I throw the first opponent to the ground, so that it looks asterisk. I quickly swirl around in order to cut down with more punches and kicks the onrushing villains. The right mouse button pressed at the right moment my hero can perform an elegant counter and grab the ewe lamb opponents such as the leg. Another strong Elbow blow is behind this villain and unconscious on the floor. This admittedly simple gameplay is a lot of fun, especially because Batman's combat moves look simply stunning. I jump skillfully plays with a somersault over the opponent to get him from behind to beat ko, then I pull out the Batarang Batman's favorite toys (a sort of boomerang) to numb approaching Joker's henchmen and strike down. The longer take my warrior in a battle with no holds damage, the more experience points are mine. This can buy fancy upgrades, and new combo attacks and a better suit that kept me in the brawl before more damage. In addition, fill the points automatically the health of my dark knight again.

comebacks : Targeted kicks and beats the bat villains transported to the land of dreams.
creep up!
Anyone who takes it that he might rush to his hero blindly into enemy hordes and all powerful spank is wrong. For some of the joker's adversaries are armed with stun guns and machine guns. Does our fluttery hero on one of them, is increased caution. After a few shots or blows with enough arms, and the Cape bat bites carrier immediately on the grass. Better off with the good old Sam-Fisher method, which is: crawl instead of storms. The enemy locations, helps me the detective mode. Touch of a button I can see with an X-ray view through walls and floors and track so the cronies of the Joker. In order not to attract too much attention and thus to attract even more warhorse, I crept quietly from behind me either get at the enemy or retreat by grappling hook on a gargoyle on the wall. Where the victim-to-be directly under me, my black avenger abseil touch of a button from upside down, the opponent grabs the top and then hang him. This not only looks incredibly pretty, it makes see also fidget a lot of joy to an adversary's neighbor to the projections. This one should always take flight in between. The convicts are in fact the purest Peca, give each other back cover and call for help when they see a comrade in need. Moreover, the Joker constantly blaring through the speakers reveals tips, while that my bat is in the vicinity. Once the convicts noted that there is something wrong, they are nervous, running around frantically and start whining anxiously. Also nice: a thug can sometimes verbal learning to panic an entire magazine into nothingness. This is not only funny, but can the AI also appear credible.

Total insight: Thanks to the detective's point of view sees Batman Jokers time companions.
I spy with my little eye
make so much fun, the standard fights, I would have liked more variety in the boss battles. Over and over muscle-bound giant rogue rush up to me, who come to a horde of ordinary thugs. Too bad, at this point I would have liked a little more variation.
offer alternatives, however, the so-called mystery of the Riddler. Noun is very autonomous. All over Arkham , the super villain hiding about 240 question marks that I can see during a flight or tour of the island. I think one of the punctuation on, I am free, inter alia in the form of tape recordings, biographies of various characters and offers me this a fun insight into the minds of some lunatic. Also go with any question marks found impressive 200 points on my experience points account. searched

Hinrschmalz: The Riddler Riddles have it partially, but bring useful experience points.
side holds the mysteries of winsome Riddler ready but also a lot Denkspielchen. So almost every room there is to a question that must be answered. Here, the task is always to a particular object in the respective premises. Thus one of the questions is when entering the southern corridor in the Arkham Villa "What does a bird in the rain?" In one of around standing glass display case I find an umbrella. With one click I turn to the detective's point of view and scan with a subsequent press the surroundings and hence the umbrella. The mystery is solved. Sounds easier said than, for not always the thinking games so easily recognizable. Anyone who thinks that he simply switches to the detective's point of view, scan constantly for everything has come to little chance of the solution. Here mental work is needed in order to get hold of the valuable trophies, since I first extend my equipment in order to reach all the question marks. Only with the help of Batclaw I can, for example, the vast abyss to gain a coveted trophy or bring the Explosionsgel the cracked wall to collapsed, to solve the underlying quiz.

graphic splendor The new Unreal engine are Batman and the surrounding area a delight.
What the ears
Unfortunately, there are at guessing a tinge of disappointment. Although the detective mode, my black mask support helps in solving various mental challenges to enjoy the recognition of friend and foe at the track and read, but this is hardly any chance the spectacular graphics of "Batman Arkham Asylum." The useful but ugly-looking X-ray vision to be used much too often and often I wish I could tackle the next task even without this view to. No matter which view mode is activated, at least keep the music and the voice actors consistently sharp. This may be due mainly to the massive soundtrack, with security but also in the German dubbing voice of Christian Bale, who gives the black avenger authenticity.
Conclusion: lunatic fun
good superhero you can count himself as a laborer in a sawmill on one hand and added: I was never a big Batman fan. The TV series "Batman and Robin" has not turned on me and especially the movies have left no particular impression on me. What is not only the abundant pale Bale. I'm more surprised and inspired by the action hit. There is loads of fun to me to spread my cloak and from the roof herabzugleiten. With much glee I take care of panic among my enemies, then watch the hustle and bustle from the comfort of a water spout. Splendid, like the fool to ever hit each other in wild fist fights ko. Even the Joker the lousy little faces, I made the right heart. Its just funny how malicious comments give me lots of joy. Although the act was not surprised with unexpected twists and a little more variety in the boss battles would have to like Batman, but still, I love Batman and his whipping boy! At least in this game. Bale can master me but still remain stolen. (Pia Dettmer)

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