Ah, a new submarine simulation - could indeed be quite good! Sorry, sorry Silent Hunter 5, - Battle of the Atlantic more bugs on board as a Type VII-boat of ammunition. We were able to eavesdrop in secret and very exclusive conversation between the Kaleun and his first officer. Read what they have to talk about.

Kaleun: Shiver me timbers! The waves see even really super from today. And the first clouds!
first Officer: Yes, sir Kaleun, which is on the graphic designers at Ubisoft Romania. I should also point out that my district have made quite appealing, the whole rest of the submarine. It had me on the previous quite annoyed that I actually do not really exist.
Kaleun: not played the in the Pacific? In our adversary, the U.S. Navy?
first Officer: Uh, yes, there was once an officer exchange program ...
Kaleun: Well, never mind. Like the looks actually to train the crew on the guns?
first Officer: Well, Mr. Kaleun how shall I express myself ... The lääääuuuft.
Kaleun: my What?
first Officer: Sun expressed administrative officer Stromberg out forever. Well, if you ask me so directly, so that there are not that good. You can do it yourself.
Kaleun: What!? Why should I even care to? It annoys me already that I recently have each crew member personally ascribe courage! Just so bring the necessary power! These new personnel rules are all well and good, but if we are being attacked? Do
I actually climb it himself to the guns?
first Officer: I'm afraid so, sir Kaleun.
Kaleun: Oh no! I always stay at the edges depend on the ladder! This will again be our downfall!
first Officer: summon you but something is not!
Kaleun: Ah, me no matter! - What's that over there?
first Officer: You have some through the binoculars, Mr. Kaleun?

it clearly: on the tactical map spend submarine skippers of the largest Part of the mission. Here one could determine target solutions for torpedoes - would work if the suspension computer and manual solutions determine the speed could be.
Kaleun: Is not really your job?
first Officer: yeah, but with the classification I have (looks through the binoculars) but my problems ...
Kaleun: Ahhh, a group of enemy merchant ships! Fat booty! All clear for the attack! All clear for diving!
first Officer (waiting): We can not dive! Team is still on deck!
Kaleun: And what are you waiting?
first Officer: Hm, you must already own to leave the bridge. Otherwise we can not dive.
Kaleun (rolls eyes): Well down the ladder ... ha, like I said it! I always get stuck in the muck! This ... clipping, or how this new-fangled gadgets called!
What about you? Do not come with?
first Officer: Oh no, I'm waiting out here so long.
Kaleun: Well, everyone must know yourself, where is his place. I just thought if we can not dive, because the "team still on deck" report, you would also think, and not only me. On
first Officer: -
Kaleun: Well, the fact remains there. Shiver me timbers!
So then do let's see ... ah, yes there is one. Sighting ... oh so that's all about the tactical map. Since I have to click the Contact ... ah, now I get a target solution. Pipe One and Two - Fire!
first Officer: missed target.
Kaleun: Yikes, where do you come from?
first Officer: I was but already down.
Kaleun: Hm, I see but you do not come down. No matter. Why two disgustingly expensive torpedoes have not been taken? The cost RM 40 000! - Are to meet in 2010, according to Ubisoft, strangely enough, € 6750, I would have guessed even more, in inflation. And whatever will be the Euro.
first Officer: Well, the suspension computer is not as good.
Kaleun: Why do I know this is not before?
first Officer: you would have time to take a look at the rules.
Kaleun: I have here only as a small book, that is, "Instructions". And there is nothing in it to! In fact, there is virtually nothing in it at all!
first Officer: Now please do not upset that harms your blood pressure. Yes, you can also enter a manual target solution.
Kaleun: Well, then, please! I need some data!
first Officer: Enemy freighter, course 345 0 knots.
Kaleun: 0 knots? You do not really believe myself! If he would not move, we had already taken the first time!
first Officer: Yes, you have to estimate this yourself.
Kaleun: And why did not you tell me that?
first Officer: Because I do this until patch 1.1.
Kaleun: Well, well, I guess for now from the speed?
first Officer: I do not?? Have a look in the manual ...
Kaleun: There's is not.
first Officer: Then you advise that.

hit : The graphics are almost as spectacular as many a bug.
Kaleun: And Grilled still an expensive torpedo. May I remind you that we do not have as many of them on board, and two we have already wasted. I have a better idea. All make clear to surface!
first Officer: boat dives.
Kaleun (rises): So now we are ... where do you come now back?
first Officer: I had said, I'll wait up here.
Kaleun: Anyway, now we take the gun.
first Officer: Mr Kaleun?
Kaleun: We shoot the freighter on fire, and then we sink it with a torpedo, if He does not move. That's true then yes also in line with your speed estimate.
first Officer: Now you are time please do not outrageous.
Kaleun: I'll let you careen same! And while in the submerged condition!
first Officer: gun ready.
later a couple of minutes.
Kaleun: Hmm, the other participants of the convoys do not seem to respond. I have an even crazier idea. We shoot all on fire and then sink them with torpedoes!
first Officer: But they are also a hotshot! Respect, sir, I know to wonder why I'm only a lieutenant AI!
Kaleun: Yes, you see! I only wonder why I was still not moving. And, the hobgoblin, why you are not yet actually been transported?
first Officer: Yes, this is because sometimes, when you go to sleep ...
Kaleun: think ... that if I save ...
first Officer: ... whatever you like to call it, ever distributed by you promotion points are gone.
Kaleun: The strictly speaking they do not deserve so well, so useless, as you sometimes are!
first Officer: I have to ask you so!
Kaleun: Well, at least keeps the ever-standing connection to the high command, uh, to Ubisoft, the pirates off.
first Officer: Yes, almost always ...
Kaleun (sighs): What now be called again?
first Officer: Well, sometimes the connection is gone.
Kaleun: And then?
first Officer: Can not we go on patrol.
Kaleun: My God, this is so as when our torpedoes in Norway never worked!
first Officer: Speaking of chestnuts Ollen: You were also the sinking of the Bismarck "here?
Kaleun: But! This was a piece of hussars, I say to you, my dear!
first Officer: What's happened there, exactly?

Only the rest : On the "Bismarck" place just before the last and desperate battle was apparently still deck guides. But anything half as wild, for here we just change the story, and the battleship survives the day.
Kaleun: Well, I was there, around with my U-boat, the "Rodney" and "King George V" to sink to the Bismarck escapes.
first Officer: So what?
Kaleun: Slowly, my dear. I tell you one thing: that the Bismarck is said to be under command, is nothing but enemy propaganda!
first Officer: No!
Kaleun: But!
first Officer: Ohhhh!
Kaleun: And that's not all I could see through my Seerohr exactly! The Bismarck was not sunk! All enemy propaganda! I've waited all day, but the British battleships, beaten with incompetent navigators, have found no pride of our Navy! Or they have seen and immediately turned around!
And I even get a good grade, though I have not fired a shot!
first Officer: Truly a piece of hussars. I find it a far worse may as a example.
Kaleun: Let hear. Do you sometimes pull at my pipe?
first Officer: No, thank you. It just reminded me of the fire.
Kaleun: What fire?
first Officer: Well, there was one of our convoys ...
Kaleun: wanted Where to go? Do we have such a mission?
first Officer: play but no matter! In any case, in Kiel, as is so a peninsula ... one our sister boats, the Kaleun Mick, then watched as all our ships again anrannten against the headland. And they exploded, and then hopped over the place ...
Kaleun: Jumping ship? Shiver me timbers!
first Officer: Yes, and they burned and burned ...
Kaleun: Well, I've always thought yarn, but Kaleun Mash, at its last mission in Norway found a watery grave off Narvik and previously somewhat similar experience. A destroyer came directly up to him ...
first Officer: evil!
Kaleun: Now let me finish, will you?
first Officer: apology. Can I still take time from their pipe?
Kaleun: you are. Well at least he has caught the destroyer with a clean shot right from the beginning!
first Officer: Great!
Kaleun: Na, not quite. The destroyer's bow dug in the mud, he has skipped forward and caught even influencing the U-boat from Kaleun Mash.
first Officer: Oh dear!
Kaleun: You can even say out loud, Shiver me timbers! Well, let's sink once the enemy merchant ships!
first Officer: Yes, sir Kaleun! (Martin Fast)
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