Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Family Naturism In Sweden

So Blonde

heroine Sunny is blonde, naive and stranded on a desert island. All things that I'm not. So I using an expert fetched. None other than personal Steffi storm has so adopted the Adventures of Blonde Wizarbox. Therefore, I also rantings about any further, but do like a place for Steffi's very first game test.

Yes, hello, dear reader. I am Stephanie Storm. One or the other might know me as an extremely competent and always dressed classy Wetterfee of Micks Blog. I test the adventure So Blonde probably because of Mick himself f aul daz u. because I am through my hair color just predestined. Additionally my placeholder friend at Amazon, which makes me per se to a skilled person.

As Boring

It was all going very exciting. After a short intro (unfortunately only in the form of a little animated sequence of images), I found myself with Sunny, the heroine of the adventure, stranded on a deserted island somewhere in the Caribbean again. can a) There are dozens of things on every screen b) Most people use it and not need it and not really: With the mouse I conducted the pixelated girl turned around and quickly discovered two things. For this load the game every time I enter a new area for a good two seconds, which is why I mean then faded in the intermediate image burnt into the memory has and I no longer even in my nightmares get rid of. If that knew my friend ...

The oh-so-funny on Sunny loading screens as di esem seen 100 hours long felt.

illogical Sun

Although the first few puzzles are as easy as obviously, I come soon to an object of the category "logic" without logic. For bring down a heavy ball from the cabinet, you can not shake it, then beaten with a hose dragged or simply stretch out the hand what needs to go to the proportions on the screen actually play. No, I get the ball weight until I threw a cork with it. Ah, all right. Why not use a cotton ball right?

least I'll keep it up gradually and finally land on a pirate ship. Sunny the way that you encountered people with the same old beaten questions ("Where's a phone?" "Is there a hotel here?") I feel just like those soon guaranteed enormous to my natural blonde curls.

storylos Sun

Several design Schnitzer later (including the famous . "You can take the subject, although there is nothing" and "You can fill the object is in exactly a very special container, although there are many more") I ask myself slowly but surely: WHERE EXACTLY IS THE STORY? After doing much more to be run as Sunny plenty aimlessly across the screen is not really the beginning. But then it's time. Totally unexpectedly, there is a cutscene. Well, a real cut scene it's actually not, because the scripted action runs completely in-game graphics, while the two main characters are tiny in the back of the screen. But at least I know that I'm probably somehow ended up on a pirate island which is ruled by the evil One-Eye. I probably will beat the boys also. Like me, this brings back home? No idea, but it is certainly not in the other four chapters. Only: A Bridge wants and wants, building is not easy. The story wobbles around somewhere between Monkey Iceland and light blonde joke. A clear common thread is missing.

stupid arranged: The scene between Morgan and Sunny runs completely in the background.

In any case, I always find plenty of lame Zwischenspielchen, Java deny their relationship impossible. Speaking of which remind me of all my Aunt Edna, a somewhat elderly image script that has been provided in Tricotronic games of the 70 years of service. Way to start you on falling objects, making arm-wrestling with a fish hook or tries to get hold of a key. Those things are just annoying, like Aunt Edna in her later years. Luckily, you can also just skip it. So the games, not those of her aunt. I wonder why these things were then built at all.

desolation and advancement for unnecessary: A s of the interludes.

After all, is drawn the proper costume graphics, Sunny but I can not hold a candle, but my friend has already thrown her behind one or the other view animated it looks pretty smoothly out. The backgrounds are nice, here I would really like a holiday. And "the" mood? So Sunny's organ of speech sounds very appropriate, that of most other actors too. Only now and then a dilettante has cheated in the supporting role spokesman. That sucks.

Well, and my conclusion? So Blonde save the reputation of blondes are not more. A whole bunch of the puzzles are illogical, references to solve it is actually never, not even a task list is maintained. The rest comes out about Adventure average not. And the lame story, I'm going to tell yourself at night when I sleep once again sitting around in Mick's Blog . Ah yes, the irritating sound still, the copy protection prevents the game runs on some computers. Dark sources whisper that only a no-cd patch will help. (Note from Mick: Hee, Steffi, that you can not just broadcasted including if such a bungling is very annoying, but that's illegal So, an example not dear reader,...!) I think I'd rather go back to Perry to star tour. Sunny's adventures are too bland. And that any painted Goat is not supposed to come up with the idea to do while my friend, beautiful eyes, or I'll follow her eye shadow with a branding iron and the ... .. [CENSORED].


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