Is there really someone who does not love Puzzle Quest ? No matter whether colleague, friend or foe, the flair of the comical genre mix of Bejeweled and role play can not elude. So a typical "Just one more fight and then I just go to bed" game. Probably the marketing department of Square-Enix was similar and the gentlemen from Nippon thought, "We can do it. Role-playing, we know our way eventually and so a puzzle when we buy a newly PopCap Bejeweled distribution easy. "Well, and then had none of the developers right time or desire and everything was hanging on the trainees.
Fummel mouse
not know whether the legislative history of Gyromancer has really happened, but it would be quite possible. For the Puzzle Quest clone is far from a masterpiece, it is not even a true clone, because it offers less playful than the original. At a spartan ugly card that does not deserve the name, it moves over a sprite specified ways until you hit on monsters or treasures. Here you fight constantly popping up against the hake celled control, why not move again once your hero sprite forward, but the info screen. Argh, it can not escape the suspicion that here just the gamepad Steuerng the Xbox version poorly implemented on the mouse has hit them, that such a mouse a tiny bit of sensitive responding to commands. Well, in Japan it is not supposed to be so many PCs, so maybe it is ...

Excess speed
But back to the game. When scouring the map to more or less fixed, predetermined paths, it always comes to fight, when you meet a monster. Some are statically positioned at a fixed location, others "slide" up and down, Vega. Meet her on one, switched on to Gyromancer Bejeweled Twist . Who's not yet known: This is like the original Bejeweled (and all its incarnations before and after) also bring about colored blocks in series. The fizzle out and then it hails points. Chain reactions bring a particularly large number of counters. What makes the twist variation is that you always four blocks at once have to turn clockwise. To beat an opponent, it is a specific color to clear stones, over which are then spells activated. The transform in turn, certain blocks in flashing icons. Who can solve one like clearing up the magic of life and minimizes the energy of the opponent's monster. But each train also increases spell points of the enemy, so his words will eventually be activated. There is no self-playing opponents in Puzzle Quest not. The Square intern had no desire to develop an AI probably need to.

Pokemon light
Before each battle you can choose you for one of three monsters that pulls at your place in the battle. The monsters differ primarily by the color, the spell will be activated, and of course the awards themselves who diligently scouring the map will be more and more beasts that you can incorporate your own bestiary. Overall, there are only 19 creatures, three of which must go to be there. That's not enough time for the "Collect them all- Pokemon « consolation prize for trying. Those who have scoured an area and each boss defeated, gets access to a further total of twelve areas which, although built more complex, but always visually like a withered branch act before billowing the background. Oh yes, from time to time one also finds goodies which you are allowed to rotate the blocks and counter-clockwise, stones removed or blocked immediately trigger its own spells.

And instead of padding makes for fun? Asks the inclined Puzzle Quest fan, like me. I've spent the 14 € on Steam for the PC version. (The Xbox version costs over Xbox Live in about the same) and had the first two hours despite the dull graphics, hake time Control and the lame story with some joy Gyromancer . Thus, it is far from being bad. But all too soon the game degenerates into a pure Levelabklappern. Since you do not add value to his hero, he really is completely unnecessary. Most of the collecting monsters do not differ quite. It just always fighting the currently strongest. And special incentives such as special armor, potions or weapons, there is not unfortunately. Of course, here again the good work indestructible Bejeweled concept and saves Gyromancer in the 70's scoring zone. But the twist is, as already seen for variant completely superfluous really, so is Gyromancer not necessary. Actually, it's not even a real clone. Far too little is offered. Behind the name Square-Enix, I really expect much more depth for the money. A few tips to Japan for next time: Use your own but simply Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest scenarios to soul in the story. Reduction is very important the role-playing part of something that deserves the name, too. And please, please, please, let someone make the PC version, is familiar with it. Someone who does not confuse a mouse with a gamepad and I know that you know on the PC and resolutions beyond the 800 by 600 pixels. And I watch you Puzzle Quest again very carefully. (Quick Mick)

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