call I continue! Vivid characters, a great story, told in an atmospherically dense universe, Mass Effect 2 make a title with the exception Gefühl.Viel feeling!

Woke up, the universe
laughs virtual Two years and several operations later, my hero awakens in a new light. Bioware has drilled the graphics hard-working. In particular, the lighting was improved, even the faces now have more polygons and look a much more plastic. I would like to wuscheln Shepard through my pretty face, but just forget it Unfortunately my hero wakes up after two years of beauty sleep just the base of the racist - shadowy secret organization of the human alliance - called Cerberus. A splinter group that works exclusively for the rights of people and be pleased to murder, lie and cheat to claim their rights. I was hardly the organization with the help of expensive and high-quality technology Lazarus back together, I antanzen the well-known top bloke, the unknown. Why is this stranger really knows everyone except me? No matter, because even though it's clear to me that I can not blindly trust Cerberus, torment me remorse. Finally, I am deeply indebted to the organization. I owe my life to the mysterious stranger. Thus, the costly reconstruction of my heroes has paid off, gives me the unknown once a mission: to save mankind from the collectors. Nothing easier than that! The insect-like Race invades human colonies and taken this man and mouse. No one knows why, nobody knows where. Clear that I attend to it. As seed money from the unknown, there are a brand new Normandy, weapons and armor for my heroes. Only the team I have my own look together.

Mysterious Life Savers: The well-known unknown.
Team-Building Measures
So I roar, with jokers and the Normandy pilot through the universe, to convene the best of the best and take up the fight against the collectors. Here, I like the first part by clicking on the space map fly to different solar systems and planets to whom I recruit my new colleagues. An information bubble above the star shows me what I have to do there. The slide makes the room by the extremely expansive game world very clearly and simply.

As I see stars: On my Weltallkarte I have a good overview of the universe and my next mission.
Soon I meet my first fellow. Which differ greatly from each other. Both in race, appearance, behavior and history. Which is involved in loving with the recruitment. So I shall, for each Team-mates at least two missions to do. The first task is used to my new companions at all to get into the team, the second is to strengthen confidence. To gain such as the technically savvy Quarianerin Tali in my group, I need to go to Quarianer colony Haestrom and I fight through hordes of hostile robot-like addition to Irish. Tali is free, she joined me willingly. Just arrived on the Normandy Tali asks me for help. Since I have between missions and desire to listen to her second, she told me that the Admiralty of the migrant fleet Tali have accused of treason. To win the loyalty and trust of Tali, of the case, of course you go and represent them in court to prove their innocence. Throughout history, I ask all my friends for help. I come to the call for help, I experience not only exciting and varied side missions and learn a lot about life and the origin of my comrades, but to also increase their loyalty to me. During the game I win my companions loved scary. Rarely have I built up in a game such a deep bond with my characters. If my buddy to me first voted loyal, they get in the fight extra skills and an alternative space suit, but which differs only in appearance. Not only are the effects on the optic upgrades from that I study the course of time in the Tech Lab of Normandy. Here are my useful weapons and armor upgrades. Also, my neat Raumgschiff I can feed up with stronger shields and better weapons. Can decide that later in the history of life and death. Since I want to leave it not only with friendly support services, I use "Team-building measures" and begin an affair with some of my companions. Sex is of course not again, Mr. Shepard amuröse complications could be in the Disney Channel put the sandman time. In contrast, given Mary Pop-pins (pardon me the pun) is still hardcore.

love instead of blows: Miranda is just one of Shepard's playmate. Wild Sex is not seen.
Monotone mini games
On the hunt for the evil of many collectors, I take my main and side missions on completely different planets and locations. Time I enter a creepy-looking spaceship in order to obtain a transmitter. Then there it myself in a dark prison in which inmates just cause a riot. On the planet of Asari super clean I could eat off the floor before cleanliness. Here there is the pure order and clinical cleanliness. In contrast to the filthy Space Station Omega. There I expect filthy slums, seedy nightclubs and unsightly bars. Although the missions in the different regions are varied, but the levels are all built like a hose. Great exploring fall so completely flat. Too bad! The built-in mini-games are a total failure. Again and again I have to chop annoying terminals or doors. And I will make a note revealing à la memory, two symbols. This is so simple that my space hamster could solve the task. Equally silly annoying as the depletion of resources on the planet. As soon as I approach the orbit of a celestial body, I have the opportunity him in a desolate mini game . Scan With the mouse I'm going to millimeters millimeters of the star. As soon as my scanner deflects, I rouse from a probe and thus build up the respective commodities. This mini-game is not just a pastime. With the found materials, I'll buy later major upgrades to my spaceship. At least falling away from the first part well known and incredibly annoying elevator rides in Normandy.

kip and scanning: He looks so isses do not. This supposed death star is an ordinary planet on which I collect in micro-boring work resources.
struggles and conflicts
In Unlike the mini-games are dull, the fights for this incredibly fun. Time and again, I take cover, so as not to bite in the hail of fire into the grass. Mission Pro me two of my comrades are at hand. Respond independently and very smart. You take cover behind crates and grab opponents from the side. I am available to give them tactical orders. The gameplay is paused. By pressing a button they use special ammunition or use biotic powers. Even if I do the fighting while fun, they are on the medium difficulty too easy. Once entrenched in a box, I clench well protected all opponents out of the way, is challenging interim opponent, unfortunately, also not. This will quickly dull and a little more variety would have been good. Bare-top-los-Gestürme other hand usually leads to rapid death. While there are first-aid packets, regenerates like a modern shooter my life energy by itself but if I stay a while in cover. If one of my colleagues still bless the temporal, can I help him with a package to get back into life. Despite the tactics to play Mass Effect 2 in contrast to his predecessor, more like a shooter than an RPG. On the one hand, this is the game process liquid, but lacking role-playing elements. The talent offer has a clean approach. While Shepard can expand seven skills my colleagues have only four talents that I can level up by four points. Also a pity that all talents are applied aggressively. The traditional healers Supporter or falls away so completely. With a classic role-playing game that has to do not much. As a class, at least I can choose between Soldier, Infiltrator, veterans, guards, technicians and experts. Due to the action-heavy battles the soldier is unique, with its massive weapons advantage. As a technician you should necessarily a strong fighter like the Grunt krogan set aside because the battles are usually much too heavy.

Tap: The red veins on the screen indicate to me that my hero abnippelt shortly, if not I stay in cover.
speeches instead of tearing
But I do not always resolve conflicts by force of arms. Often I can settle a dispute with the right words. Thanks to the many dialogue options do I have in the talks very different response options. Instead of boring babble I expect some interesting conversations with a lot of choice. Whether I play the diplomatic, or a priceless love Shepard, unjust bad guy is up to me. The consequences of my actions all. Thus say some of the characters no longer with me, or reward me with useful Information if I am loyal to behave. New is the attitude system. While some dialogs will appear at the bottom of either a "renegade" or "model" icon. Just press a button when the symbol appears on the appropriate button, you can perform Shepard either a good or bad action. So it may very well that a conversation partner suddenly flies out the window or I good heart, a young fellow like this discourages to recruitment for the war, and may well be possible to put an end to his young life. Depending on my action I collect "apostate" or "model" points. Do I have enough points in each area, to myself in some discussions yet another response options to choose from. The awards come to mind but not always easy. I choose this over life and death - indeed, entire nations are dependent on my decisions. This makes the gameplay immensely exciting and increase the excitement and fun. It's just fun to play a scene again to see what happens if I decide otherwise. Also great: Old Scores from the first part can be easily imported in the second half. So I can argue with my old hero, the new adventure. Appearance and character values are adopted too. I was at the end of the first part unruly, give me at the beginning of Mass Effect 2 some small money. Also, some decisions from the first part to impact the second half. So I meet old friends only when I've left them in the first part of life. The game experience is incredibly intense and believable.

devil or angel: Often I can already prevent further fighting in the dialogues. Only when I want, of course.
Conclusion: Excellent all-day history
A little fear I had before Mass Effect 2 . After all, I never thought that it would create Bioware to beat the magnificent first part. All Fear was unfounded! The stunning game world with their authentic characters captivated me every second of the 35 hours of play to the screen. I have rarely experienced in a game so many different and exciting missions in a lively and elaborate universe. I suffer with every single character, when he told me his sad tale or happy if I could help him. For minutes I sit in front of the screen and reluctantly consider feverishly as I choose. Good or bad? Is my decision right or wrong? Almost no other game has managed to torment me so simultaneously with remorse and decisions and to enjoy. Pity that Bioware, the character system is so streamlined it. More role-playing game would have some way contributed to my character goes through further developments and gains in depth. Also, I could have done without the annoying mini-games and give me a little bit crisper struggles desired. But, sigh, who is perfect? Mass Effect 2 it is almost and I am now really looking at the third. (Pia Dettmer)

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