We plan, from
to drive the rest of the pink granite coast to the west, and then in the vicinity of Roscoff
up our next rest camp.
We are barely a few minutes away from the OB course, we see a brown sign (still within
-Plage), which promises us a dolmen. Let's go, we think, and follow the sign. 10 minutes later, we know
Never trust a sign indicating a Dolmen! 1-lane road, to drive at a walking-pace, because otherwise either dance all glasses, cups and plates tango or the whole camper shell tangled up like giants on hand; high bushes on both sides, oncoming traffic is not possible. At the end of the road is a brown sign that promises us the dolmen. However, it points to the road, from which we have just come. Conclusion: A sign is missing. Somewhere in the middle. Missed? Missed!
over, where a full U-space on mobile homes provided a safe overnight. However, it is summer again today, and even today are still French summer holidays. So ... Today, even mobile homes are outside and on access roads. Well, who likes it!
About Lannion
to the coast. But see what our eyes inflamed? Instead of sand in this extraordinarily wide-ranging Bay is a green lawn, or does it look like that?
Yes, it looks just like this:
Two little people in big machines try to become Lord of the algae. Or I interpret it wrong? Algae are farmed here in order to make lawn to wash and use them in an algae factory in cosmetics and food? Who knows, write me a mail!
We have our Hymermobil direction
What to do? On the way to the U-space on the headland we passed the giant parking lot of the ferry to Britain
, where we only get air time to plan what to do.
unfortunate that here of all mobile homes close rules apply:
One should know when to come ferries and consider appropriate excuses, if you will here a long time.
which is just dry, because the sea somewhere else party makes to find a beautiful, quiet place
OB, the "A
ire du Laber
called is:
From here you drive (eg a bicycle) 3 km to the center. The weather is Dolls will not, and so we move further south, not without the free parking (with V / E) still to be considered carefully:
for creepy weather, we have provided a little creepy: the "enclos paroissial," the enclosed parishes (see also
nice that there are still such old stone-signs! You remember the good old days when there were not as many campers, and you could easily open his own OB course. Sign picked up in Guimiliau
we find exactly what we are looking for: no mobile homes, not even French, on a flat, excellently equipped OB-site with V / E station:
we get only once a white bread from local bakers
At the same parish we can learn Breton, because of the war memorial of the 1st World War II is the following:
In the church of Lampaul-Guimiliau to play, you can buy today as the "chill-out music": Choral singing in Latin, with instrumental accompaniment and drums. This is a special atmosphere in this ancient walls. Here are some impressions of church and parish:
gargoyles, deprived of new-fangled gutter its original function
enclos paroissial
. I write but not much about it because the book
The most important views of the parish and the church interior:
The photo above is in any moderately serious Brittany Guide to find but not because of the Last Supper scene below, but because of the prallbusigen lady who has probably something hired because they will be accused of prison workers the monster to be devoured (read please):
The art inside the church can be seen:
Sometimes you have to look exactly have (or take home the magnifying glass) in order to appreciate the artistry of the craftsmen, who worked on the church:
Sometimes you can not afford as a church architect a little joke by leaving as his girlfriend (or so) into modeling in the church wall:
way: If is at the cemetery no more room for new corpses had been in the past just broken the ancient graves, brought the bones into the charnel house, where neatly kept:
make After so much culture and scary images take a little Walking through the village, past the pub
and beautiful gardens
until we arrive at our free OB course at the multipurpose hall.
The "salle polyvalent" and the U-space are well marked, and one is almost done with the church about around the village. Of course there are also V / E, and yes, even that is free of charge.
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