We quickly find the good in the city OB-square-marked by V / E in Treguier.
Here is a picture of the road bridge:
The picture above is clearly seen that the tidal river is flowing Guindy somewhere between high and low tide. At high tide the river is quite full.
GPS data:
From here I stroll on the banks of the river Guindy to the old suspension bridge, where the image is created above: the many white spots behind the line of trees on the banks are mobile homes.
The suspension bridge 2007 is unfortunately closed to the public, so the system installed by the city administration is walking after the first station, crossing the river from. Too bad!
way flow Guindy: He is very close to the sea and "lives" so the tides. Is somehow getting used to, when the river later times from left to right and a short time of right to left and flows to strong even in the height varies ...
from page 131 in can be read travel guide Brittany . Today I submit to some pictures that were omitted in the book for space reasons. From
OB course at the Bois de
poet, a grove, which covers a hillside of the old town, I have reached in no time the streets of the city with its many half-timbered houses.
The Cathedral:
At the cemetery in Treguier , details of a tomb:

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