ago Lavalle, after the town Le Bois de Vaiges on the D175 a nice parking lot at a park,
apparently by some mobile homes as OB Place used has been. Not just a picnic by a pond can be found here, but also a toilet, a restaurant, waste, supply and disposal.

we get the discounter LIDL first some basic food, then we try to get to the Cap Frehel. Around 4:30 pm we give up: Getting a pay parking at the Cape does not seem today to be possible, so I park next to the access road, like so many before me, and enjoy the view over the beautiful plants and the sea.

The drive along the coast road to Cap Frehel goes very slowly CARRIED. It seems to have broken a glut of mobile home. Every 3rd Car is a motor home, but not the Germans are the ones to Brittany as flood, but the French, followed by Italians, Spaniards and a few German number plates. Together they form an annoying mash of vehicles and hikers, with children, strollers and cones are eager to see this one chapter and still want to pay for admission.
As we see later, there is the "Cape" experience in the summer of 2007, all free and done with far fewer tourists. We try

be seen above, you can park here on a hedge or even rub shoulders with other campers, on a bowling-alley, in the late observations of the night to joyous occasion is. The beach, as can be seen here

is just a few meters. Yes, the white line at the back, are all the campers. If flood is, there are only beach in the form of boulders, but as soon warps the sea for a few hours, enjoying the holiday on long beach walks

or have it if it a this has increased his kite.

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