Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Should A Lohri Invitation Look

kale meal with a hike in February 2011

walking around the campsite Eulenburg in the winter season can also be fun. On 12 February we will start with all the campers, tenants, guests and friends of the Eulenburg a hearty hike - depending on the weather and condition of the roads to the donkey place to Sösestausee or only think about the Eulenburg (information on footwear and appropriate clothing, minimum number of participants 10 people).
there then it's a hearty meal kale (green cabbage with spicy sausages and potatoes) for everyone, regardless of whether one is mitgewandert or not. Food and drinks are offered at moderate prices, details, please see our official announcement .

meeting will be at 14.00 clock the fire at the barbecue hut, mulled wine on arrival is announced Please register to 8.2.11 via email. vacation
[at] camping-eulenburg.de
or directly in the kiosk: tel 05522 / 6611 or 0160 90 83 20 99

source detection Photos: siepmannH / pixelio.de ( kale) , Hans Peter Bolliger / pixelio.de (hiking boots)

To get a photo of the Söse Dam in January 2011:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Barbie Diamond Myspace

winter camping Eulenburg in the press and RTL-Nord

About Winter Camping in the resin, we have already reported some in early January, also took the local press and a team of RTL-Nord of the issue. Two very nice posts were created, which we would like to point again here.
The Harz Kurier reported in its issue dated 06.01.2011 in a detailed article about the musher training Klaus Körner, one of our campers who lived since Christmas with his girlfriend and two pure-bred Huskies in a motor home to our place and ; training for the Scandinavians Class (a musher on skis with a dog). In the 2009/2010 season he was with his husky dog already had North German Champion and now the area around the Eulenburg chosen on the basis of the best conditions for training site. With Friends New Year's Eve celebration has been omitted here. The family atmosphere of the place, the beautiful surroundings and the whole environment Osterode found such approval that no Klaus Körner probably the last time has been with us.

The report by RTL-Nord on the training tour by Klaus Körner on Friday evening, sent 07/01/2011 under rtl-now.rtl.de
(title of broadcast "Dioxin frustration" - during the mission to contribute to the training of Klaus grains around the Eulenburg)